Elizabeth Hahn, Science
Elizabeth Hahn, Science
Phone: (302) 645-6288
7th Grade Science
Course Description: 7th grade science focuses on life science including the topics of Microbiome, Metabolism, Traits and Reproduction, Populations and Resources, Matter and Energy in Ecosystems, Natural Selection, and Evolutionary History.
Objectives/Goals/Targets: Students will be able to Engage in three-dimensional science learning – scientific and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas – in preparation for 21st century careers. Students will also be able to Connect scientific principles to real-world situations, Engage with phenomena and design solutions, Integrate engineering and the nature of science in learning, Connect science with mathematics and literacy.
Required Texts, Materials and Resources: Amplify Workbooks (provided), Pencil, Charged iPad, Planner or Agenda Book, Binder Section or Folder Dedicated to Science Class, Highlighters, Coloring Materials.