Jacqueline Kisiel, Science
7th Grade Team
Jacqueline Kisiel, Science
Phone: (302) 645-6288
7th Grade Science
Classroom Expectations
Classroom Expectations:
- You are expected to be a conscientious and responsible scientist at all times. This expectation applies to myself (Mrs. Kisiel) as well.
- The expectations for classroom culture will be decided by scientists within the first week. Scientists will reflect on what it means to be Respectful, Equitable, Moving Our Science Thinking Forward, and Committed to Our Community. Once decided, these expectations will be on the wall in the classroom and printed out for each scientist to keep.
Scientists who are struggling to follow expectations will meet with me to review the expectations and we will set a goal, one for myself and one for the scientist, for our next class together. Parents/Guardians will be contacted as needed when minor and major concerns arise. Parents/Guardians may not be contacted right away when there is a minor concern, but within a second or third timeframe there will be a phone call or email.
- Examples of minor concerns - falling asleep, zoned out or checked out behavior, intentional interruption of peers, refusing to participate on the expected level, etc.
- Examples of major concerns - disrespectful behavior towards other scientists, aggressive behavior, cursing, incomplete work/ failing grade, incomplete homework, cell phone use, intentionally leaving the classroom without a pass, fighting, stealing, etc.
Along with the phone call, it may be necessary for the scientist to take a break in a time out session with Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones is our school behavioral specialist. He works very hard to form a relationship with our scientists in order to teach more positive behaviors.
- If the scientist enters the classroom and realizes they forgot an item, or left something in another class they will need to fill out a pass to leave. For safety reasons, it is so important that teachers know where students are heading to and from in the building.
- We do not have a bell for class dismissal, so every period I will dismiss the class. Once everyone is seated and packed up the entire class or sections of the class will be dismissed. We will always pack up 5 minutes before class is over.
Every scientist will use a provided Amplify workbook this year for notes, inquiry based concepts, labs, and warm-up questions. Scientists will need to bring this workbook and a science folder/binder section to class everyday along with a writing utensil. Scientists will have the option to keep their workbook in our classroom bin or in their locker. They are also welcome to take it home as needed. In addition to the workbook, we will be using an online curriculum that is internet based. Some class periods we will work in our books, others we will be on iPads, and most days we will use both. An agenda book or planner is also highly recommended for class. Scientists will be able to keep track of their recent discoveries and incomplete tasks. There will be class time for scientists to fill out their agenda books.
What materials should I have everyday?:
- Amplify Workbook
- Folder or Binder Section
- Pencil
- I-pad
- Planner/ Agenda Book
Homework and Notes
Homework and Notes
- Written or digital homework will be announced when necessary. Most of the time, homework will be an assignment your scientist did not complete during class. Be sure to ask your scientist about their recent discoveries! Referencing classwork and homework can help their long-term memory.
- Scientists are responsible for submitting their assignments on Schoology or turning them in, in person.
- Graded work will be assigned on Schoology and their grade will be on eSchool (home access).
Teacher/Student Absence
Teacher/Student Absence
- Classroom expectations apply when I am not in the building. Any major concerns that occurred while I am gone will always result in a phone call home. Additionally, if needed, other actions may be necessary. Each class will have a substitute check list and they will compete for the best-behaved class. The top class will receive a reward when I return.
- If your scientist is absent, they are responsible for making up any homework, notes, labs, or tests. You can find out what you missed by looking at Schoology. If you need help PLEASE ask. Reading your mind is one superpower that I don’t have. If your scientist is going to be out for a few days or for a vacation, they can message me on Schoology for any work.