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McKinsey Daisey, Language Arts

McKinsey Daisey, Language Arts
Phone: (302) 645-6288 

7th Grade Language Arts & Honors Language Arts

Course Details: English 7 and Honors English 7

Course Description: Students will study the human body, realistic contemporary fiction, and the civil rights era. Throughout the year, they will engage in inquiry projects about our units of study.

Objectives: Students will be able to read and analyze complex texts, participate effectively in academic discussion, write for a range of tasks, and engage in long term inquiry projects.

Required Materials: A charged iPad, One 2 or 3 inch 3-ring binder, pencil pouch, 8 tab page dividers, one box of #2 pencils, assortment of blue and black pens, assorted highlighters, one composition notebook, and headphones (plug in).