Course Description: This course is organized round three time periods, with a short 20-item assessment delivered to students at the conclusion of each time period’s instruction. The three periods are 1783-1820, 1821-1860, and 1861-1877. Within each period, student will explore the themes of expansion and contradiction of freedom found in the U.S. Constitutional principles and documents, westward expansion and settlement, and economic and demographic change. Student are provided with academic learning materials for each lesson as related to the three time periods. Materials will be digital and paper.
Objectives/Goals/Targets: Standard 1:6.a - Students should collect, examine, and analyze historical evidence from contents; identify long-term changes that occurred in regions and society; and create logical inferences concerning cause and effect. Standard 2:6a and 2:6b – Students should conduct an independent investigation, rooted in historical evidence, of a historical phenomenon drawn from contexts. Students’ examination of sources should focus on how historians’ choices of questions and use of sources effect their conclusions.